Heart of Mary House

In the Arms of Our Lady

At Heart of Mary House, our residents spend

their final days in comfort and peace.

This is a home where the dying poor are able

to safely live out the final stages of their life’s journey.

They are consoled, fed, bathed, and loved.

This is all made possible through the generosity

of monetary donations and the gift of

your presence.

Heart of mary house

1 Cor. 13:8


never fails.


Thank you for taking the time to stay connected ​with us at Heart of Mary House! We are so grateful ​for this community and we are most grateful for ​your prayers. The work we do at HOMH is extremely ​unique. In fact, we are the only organization in ​Middle Tennessee offering this service to those in ​need in our community.

  • A safe, comfortable, home-like atmosphere
  • For those with a terminal diagnosis and a short ​prognosis
  • Who either have no home, or no one at home ​who can take care of them

By God’s grace, we have provided our rented ​home and 24/7 caregivers through the use of ​private donors (people like you!) In our first 2 years ​we have served 30 residents in our 900sq ft, 2 ​bedroom, humble home, .

Sadly, each month we have to turn away 10 to 15 ​potential residents needing our help due to lack of ​space. We know there is a dire need for us to ​expand, but we cannot do it alone.

After we have been established for 3 years we ​will be able to apply for grants. In the mean time, we ​do not want to have to turn away hundreds of more ​people while we wait on the potential of grants. We ​need monthly donors! We are also asking everyone ​to dig a little deeper and consider a sizable donation ​to help us obtain a larger home which will help us ​meet the needs of the dying poor in our community.

In Him~Through Him~For Him,

Heart line

Kim Derrick

Founder and Director

With the faith and charity that is poured out of our souls,

as caregivers we can experience the pain of our

residents and their families.

We can be open to a personal relationship with them;

one that expands the horizons of life,

along with one that is remembered past death.

As a result, these relationships become a beacon of

for both the caregivers and residents at​

Heart of Mary House. ​




Heart of Mary House

Annual Fundraiser

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love never fails

“And now these three remain:

faith, hope and love.

But the greatest of these is love.”

1 Cor. 13


November 2

All Souls Day

@ The Aquinas Center

Dominican Campus

These [Hospice Residential] centers are an ​example of genuine humanity in society, ​sanctuaries where suffering is full of meaning.

For this reason, they must be staffed by ​qualified personnel, possess the proper ​resources, and always be open to families.

“In this regard, I think about how well hospice ​does for palliative care, where terminally ill ​people are accompanied with qualified ​medical, psychological and spiritual support,

so that they can live with dignity,

comforted by the closeness of loved ones,

in the final phase of their earthly life.

I hope that these centers continue to be ​places where the ‘therapy of dignity’

is practiced with commitment,

thus nurturing love and respect for life.”​

Pope Francis​

Make A ReferRal

“The eloquence of the parable of

the Good Samaritan and of the whole

Gospel is especially this:

every individual must feel as if called ​personally to bear witness

to love in suffering.”

St. Pope John Paul II

We are taught by the Good Samaritan

how to care for the terminally ill,

and likewise how to obey the commandment ​linked to the gift of life:

“respect, defend, love

and serve life, every human life!”

St. Pope John Paul II

Heart of mary house

1 Cor. 13:8


never fails.

“Every time you did it for the least ones, for a ​suffering brother or sister, you did it for me.”


Matthew 25: 31-46